Pinterest Affiliate Marketing For Beginners (2024)

Pinterest Affiliate Marketing For Beginners (2024)

Before beginning to use Pinterest for directing free traffic to your affiliate links…Pinterest Affiliate Marketing For Beginners is:

Finding  the right Niche on Pinterest

Finding the right niche is essential, and I came across this pin idea by exploring Search for a keyword here, possibly inspired by trending products on Tiktok or Amazon, or maybe from an idea you came up with. For instance, if you’re really into gardening, you can start typing “gardening” here. You can check how popular that trend is right now, and it seems that gardening isn’t a good choice at this time.

Pinterest Affiliate Marketing For Beginners is I just kept searching for different things and when I started typing home decor something that.  I really like and enjoy I started typing at home and then I saw that this keyword home inspiration actually is booming right.  Further I just went back to Pinterest and I just searched for a home inspiration. In this case home inspire and then we can see all of these different pins and whether they’re getting any traffic or not.

Copying and Pasting Content on Pinterest

We can see that this pin over here has been posted by love that design and they have 24000 followers. They’re actually getting 7.7 million views per month. An account like this could be easily making at least ten thousand dollars a month. I want to show you how you can legally copy and paste someone else’s images posting your Pinterest account like this and make money from. It Grow the Pinterest account from scratch and also monetize it in different ways.

Creating Content Without Spending Money

You don’t actually afford the camera this you don’t need to spend any money to create content you can literally copy and paste free content in the next 10 minutes. Pinterest Affiliate Marketing For Beginners is I will show exactly how it works now first things first every Pinterest account including this one over here has a banner has logo the name and then the bio of the account. That represents what the account is about and you also want to stick to only one particular Niche. That’s why you want to use the Trends on Pinterest to see which Niche is going to be good and then just dive straight into that one and don’t Have your attention split between all these various niches.

Pinterest Affiliate Marketing For Beginners

Creating a Banner with Canva

Now we’re going to create a banner so whatever is you want to go over to which is a free graphic design tool. If you serve for banners or even for Pinterest banners you can find a lot of different templates to choose from and this is honestly kind of like a fun part. Because now you can just go through the different templates find something you like let’s say I’m going to go with this one I’m gonna click on customize this template and I can fully change it.

Customizing Your Banner

If you have a website to promote you can add that and just fully customize this as you prefer on the left side I can search for home decoration I will find some very interesting images and I will just drag and drop that all of these images from Canva are completely free to use so I’m just going to drop it like this and then I’m going to click on the share button download and download as a PNG file now.

Designing a Logo with Canva

We can also generate a logo with Canva by simply typing in logo design over here and we can find all sorts of different suggested templates and then just pick whatever you prefer and then just customize it so I’m going to call it the Dave’s design and this is how the logo is going to look like pretty simple I’m going to download it to my computer by selecting only this one page I don’t want to download all of them.

I’m just going to add the logo which I generated with Canva for free then I’m going to change the name and in the name itself. You want to make sure that if you do have the key keyword that you’re trying to rank for so in this case I’m going to call my store Dave designs but I’m also going to add home decoration or home inspiration whatever the keyword is trending right now and then for the about section.

Updating Your Pinterest Profile

  1. Head over to your Pinterest profile and press “Edit Profile.”
  2. Upload the logo you generated on Canva as your profile picture.
  3. Change the name of your account—make sure to include the trending keyword you’re targeting.
  4. For the bio, you can ask ChatGPT to write a 200-character bio that includes relevant hashtags to help your profile rank better.

Pinterest Affiliate Marketing For Beginners

You can simply go over to Tiktok or Instagram or any other social media platform and just find an insulin influencer that is already posting in that Niche so here’s one.

Finding Content for Your Pinterest Account

Pinterest account that is just re-uploading tick tocks and getting millions of views a month and as you can see he is just crediting the tick tock user in the description of this post and you can see that they do get 3.9 months 3.9 million monthly views which is insane and they’re literally just re-uploading Tech talks so they attract all of these people interested in Water working so that they can promote something on their page this is a great account that.

Analyzing Popular Posts

Pinterest Affiliate Marketing For Beginners. I found that is in the home decoration and home inspiration Niche and all I got to do is just hover my mouse over these posts and I just want to see which one of these is getting more engagement it’s getting more likes comments and just overall looks better than others and here we have it you can see that all of these posts have about 100 likes or 50 likes but this post over here.

Creating Pins with Affiliate Links

A literally any type of products that about and you can also use creativity account on Pinterest. Then I can actually make money from your pins here can do is we can copy the image of this click on create a pin so we’re going to create a pin you want to click here to description for your pins but most destination link this is where you for this you can ask it to generate a images to my computer for free with no importantly what credit the person from in this Instagram account and now I can is a very creative idea so there is a kit.

Building an Affiliate Kit

Seo where you can create a kid with like different affiliate links that you particularly has 750 likes. What we paste it into save insta  which already has higher engagement tag them here on Pinterest now for the this case. I’m just going to copy the title you want to add what the pin is upload that image you want to add a username of this account. I can even watermarks and then I can go back to my website called website where I can just download these whom you actually got the post so in you don’t even own yourself so those are can add to your own store to your own kit let me show you what that means so you can just click on the plus icon over here you can click and create a kit.

Monetizing Your Pinterest Account

In this case I want to create a cozy room kit. In this store that I’m creating with products that I don’t own I’m just going to add different things that I believe someone who wants to have this type of room with the need to buy. I can literally search for Cozier room decor and I can start adding different products you just search f

or that you click on ADD and that product is going to be added to your store so if someone goes to your store they can buy multiple products again I can search for like cozy room decor or if you recognize some of the items from the picture what you’ve gotten then just search for it here on the get-go and then just add that with one press of a button.


That’s how you’re providing value helping these people and making money along the way so you can now copy the link to share for this store for this kit that you made and then you can just paste the destination link here and you can click on save you can also create a board specifically for let’s say cozy rooms and then click on create make sure this is a public work and then just click share and save this to your Pinterest account so that was my first in on this account this is how that looks like as of right now someone can see this they can click on this link which is going to redirect them to the store where they can purchase the items from the actual image

I’m going to earn affiliate commissions because all of these are connected to Amazon so if you have an Amazon Associates account you can earn affiliate commission.


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